Source code for robotpy_ext.misc.periodic_filter

import logging
import time

[docs] class PeriodicFilter: """ Periodic Filter to help keep down clutter in the console. Simply add this filter to your logger and the logger will only print periodically. The logger will always print logging levels of WARNING or higher, unless given a different bypass level Example:: class Component1: def setup(self): # Set period to 3 seconds, set bypass_level to WARN self.logger.addFilter(PeriodicFilter(3, bypass_level=logging.WARN)) def execute(self): # This message will be printed once every three seconds'Component1 Executing') # This message will be printed out every loop self.logger.warn("Uh oh, this shouldn't have happened...") """ def __init__(self, period, bypass_level=logging.WARN): """ :param period: Wait period (in seconds) between logs :param bypass_level: Lowest logging level that the filter should not catch """ self._period = period self._loggingLoop = True self._last_log = -period self._bypass_level = bypass_level
[docs] def filter(self, record): """Performs filtering action for logger""" self._refresh_logger() return self._loggingLoop or record.levelno >= self._bypass_level
def _refresh_logger(self): """Determine if the log wait period has passed""" now = time.monotonic() self._loggingLoop = False if now - self._last_log > self._period: self._loggingLoop = True self._last_log = now